Posts tagged google

In Snapstream Searcher, a wep application I'm developing, I want to enable the user to search for specific lists of programs. Thus, this would require creating a database where users could manage and edit these lists. Rather than creating a nice RESTful API to manage the reading and editing of this database, I naturally decided to be lazy and just have users use Google Sheets instead.

Doing this wasn't actually as straightforward as I thought it would be, so I'm writing some notes to myself on the process. There are several moving parts here:

  • the Google sheet itself
  • App Script to create an API to get the sheet data
  • Google Developer Console to create an OAuth token, so you can use the API
  • client-side JavaScript to call the API

First, here's a working example. You can edit this sheet. When you edit it, you will see the changes reflected here, JSFiddle. Here's the API that I created in this app script. You'll probably need to authorize yourself with a Google account and refresh the page for it to work.


  1. Create a Google Sheet in your Google Drive and make it editable by users with a link by clicking share in the upper right.
  2. Go to the Script Editor and make your API to get the sheet data. You can find a detailed reference here, Spreadsheet Service. The API seemed pretty intuitive. You can copy and paste this code in and change the URL to your document's:

     function getData() {
         // link to your google doc
         var spreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl('<YOUR DOCUMENT>/edit');
         var sheet = spreadSheet.getActiveSheet();
         var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
         var values = dataRange.getValues();
         return values;
  3. Now, follow Step 1 of this guide to make an OAuth token: JavaScript Quickstart
  4. Then, deploy as an API according to this guide: Using the Execution API
  5. Now, on the client-side create an HTML file, something like this, where you substitute your project key and client id. If you need other scopes, check Project Properties in the Script Editor.

     <!DOCTYPE html>
         <style type="text/css">
          table {
            border-collapse: collapse;
          td, th {
            padding: 10px;       
            border: 1px solid gray;
          var CLIENT_ID = '<CLIENT_ID>';
          var SCOPES = [''];
           * Check if current user has authorized this application.
          function checkAuth() {
                'client_id': CLIENT_ID,
                'scope': SCOPES.join(' '),
                'immediate': true
              }, handleAuthResult);
           * Handle response from authorization server.
           * @param {Object} authResult Authorization result.
          function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
            var authorizeDiv = document.getElementById('authorize-div');
            if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
              // Hide auth UI, then load client library.
     = 'none';
            } else {
              // Show auth UI, allowing the user to initiate authorization by
              // clicking authorize button.
     = 'inline';
           * Initiate auth flow in response to user clicking authorize button.
           * @param {Event} event Button click event.
          function handleAuthClick(event) {
              {client_id: CLIENT_ID, scope: SCOPES, immediate: false},
            return false;
          function callScriptFunction() {
            var scriptId = "<PROJECT_KEY>"; // aka Project key
            // Create an execution request object.
            var request = {
              'function': 'getData'
            var op = gapi.client.request({
              'root': '',
              'path': 'v1/scripts/' + scriptId + ':run',
              'method': 'POST',
              'body': request
            op.execute(function(res) {
              var htmlTable = '<table>';
              res.response.result.forEach(function(row, idx, rows) {         
                if (idx == 0) {
                  htmlTable += '<tr><th>' + row.join('</th><th>') + '</th></tr>';
                } else {
                  htmlTable += '<tr><td>' + row.join('</td><td>') + '</td></tr>';
              htmlTable += '</table>';
              document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = htmlTable;
         <script src="">     
         <div id="authorize-div" style="display: none">
           <span>Authorize access to Google Apps Script Execution API</span>
           <!--Button for the user to click to initiate auth sequence -->
           <button id="authorize-button" onclick="handleAuthClick(event)">
         <div id="output"> 
  6. To test it out, you can run run a local server with python -m http.server 8000. Make sure you've added http://localhost:8000 to your Authorized JavaScript origins when creating the OAuth token.
  7. You should see your sheet in the form of a HTML table.