Posts tagged number theory

Recently, I ran into a problem that forced me to recall a lot of old knowledge and use it in new ways, President and Roads. The problem is this:

We have $V$ vertices and $E$ edges. $2 \leq V \leq 10^5$, and $1 \leq E \leq 10^5$. Index these vertices $0, 1, \ldots, V - 1$. Edges are directed and weighted, and thus, can be written as $e_i = (a_i,b_i,l_i)$, where an edge goes from vertex $a_i$ to vertex $b_i$ with length $l_i$, where $1 \leq l_i \leq 10^6$. We're given a source $s$ and a target $t$. For each edge $e_i$, we ask:

If we take the shortest path from $s$ to $t$, will we always travel along $e_i$? If not, can we decrease $l_i$ to a positive integer so that we will always travel along $e_i$? If so, how much do we need to decrease $l_i$?

Shortest Path

Obviously, we need to find the shortest path. My first thought was to use Floyd-Warshall, since I quickly realized that just the distances from the $s$ wouldn't be enough. Computing the shortest path for all pairs is overkill, however. Let $d(a,b)$ be the distance between two vertices. An edge $e_i = (a_i,b_i,l_i)$ will belong to a shortest path if $$d(s,a_i) + l_i + d(b_i,t)$$ equals to the length of the shortest path. Thus, we only need the distances from the $s$ and to $t$. We can find the distance from $s$ and to $t$ by running Dijkstra's algorithm twice. To find the distances to $t$, we'll need to reverse the edges and pretend $t$ is our source. There's still the problem that in the most simple implementation of Djiktra's, you need to find the vertex of minimum distance each time by linear search, which leads to an $O(V^2)$ algorithm. With a little bit of work, we can bring it down to $O\left((E + V)\log V\right)$ with a priority queue. Unfortunately, the built-in C++ and Java implementations do not support the decrease key operation. That leaves us with two options:

  1. The easiest is to reinsert a vertex into the priority queue, and keep track of already visited vertices. If we see the vertex a second time, throw it away.
  2. Implement our own priority queue.

Of course, I chose to implement my own priority queue based on a binary heap with an underlying hash map to support the decrease key operation. If I was really ambitious, I'd implement a Fibonnaci heap, to achieve $O\left(E + V\log V\right)$ running time. See my C++ implementation below.

I use it in Djikstra's algorithm here:

vector<pair<long long, unordered_set<int>>> computeShortestPath(int s, const vector<unordered_map<int, pair<int, int>>> &edgeList) {
  int N = edgeList.size();
  vector<pair<long long, unordered_set<int>>> distance(N, make_pair(LLONG_MAX/3, unordered_set<int>()));
  phillypham::priority_queue pq(N);
  distance[s].first = 0;
  pq.push(s, 0);
  while (!pq.empty()) {  
    int currentVertex =; pq.pop();
    long long currentDistance = distance[currentVertex].first;
    // relax step
    for (pair<int, pair<int, int>> entry : edgeList[currentVertex]) {
      int nextVertex = entry.first; int length = entry.second.first;
      long long newDistance = currentDistance + length;
      if (distance[nextVertex].first > newDistance) {
        distance[nextVertex].first = newDistance;
        if (pq.count(nextVertex)) {
          pq.decrease_key(nextVertex, newDistance);
        } else {
          pq.push(nextVertex, newDistance);
      } else if (distance[nextVertex].first == newDistance) {        
  return distance;

computeShortestPath returns a vector of pairs, where each pair consists of the distance from $s$ and the possible previous vertices in a shortest path. Thus, I've basically recreated the graph only including the edges that are involved in some shortest path.

Counting Paths

The next task is to figure out which edges are necessary. There could be multiple shortest paths, so if the shortest path has length $L$, given edge $e_i = (a_i, b_i, l_i)$, the condition $$d(s,a_i) + l_i + d(b_i,t) = L$$ is necessary but not sufficient. First, we need to make sure $e_i$ is distinct as there are no restrictions on duplicate edges. Secondly, every path must pass through $a_i$ and $b_i$. And finally, we need to make sure that $\left|P(b_i)\right| = 1$, where $P(b_i)$ is the set of vertices that come directly before vertex $b_i$ on a shortest path because you could imagine something like this scenario:

1 1 1 1 2 s t a c b

The shortest path is of length 4, and we have two options $s \rightarrow a \rightarrow c \rightarrow b \rightarrow t$ and $s \rightarrow a \rightarrow b \rightarrow t$. Every shortest path goes through $a$ and $b$, but the actual edge between $a$ and $b$ is not necessary to achieve the shortest path. Since we already computed the parents of $b_i$ when running computeShortestPath, it's simple to check that $b_i$ only has one parent.

Now, the only thing left to do is count the number of shortest paths that go through each vertex. For any vertex, $v$, let $w$ be the number of ways to reach $v$ from $s$ and $x$ be the number ways to reach $t$ from $v$. Then, the number of paths that pass through $v$ is $wx$. Now one could use something like depth-first search to compute $w_j$ for every vertex $j$. We'd start at $s$, take every path, and increment $w_j$ every time that we encouter $j$. This is too slow, though, as we'll visit every node multiple times. If there are $10^9$ paths to $t$, we'll take all $10^9$.

We can solve this problem by using a priority queue again using a similar idea to Dijkstra's. The idea is that for a paricular vertex $v$, $$w_v = \sum_{u \in P(v)} w_u,$$ where you may recall that $P(v)$ consists of all the parents of $v$. So, we just need to calculate all the number of paths from $s$ to the parents first. Since every edge has positive length, all the parents will have shorter distance from $s$, thus, we can use a priority queue to get the vertices in increasing order of distance from $s$. Every time we visit a node, we'll update all its children, and we'll never have to visit that node again, so we can compute the number of paths in $O\left((E + V)\log V\right)$ time. See the code:

const int MOD_A = 1000000207;
const int MOD_B = 1000000007;
const int MOD_C = 999999733;

tuple<int, int, int> addPathTuples(tuple<int, int, int> a, tuple<int, int, int> b) {
  return make_tuple((get<0>(a) + get<0>(b)) % MOD_A, (get<1>(a) + get<1>(b)) % MOD_B, (get<2>(a) + get<2>(b)) % MOD_C);

tuple<int, int, int> multiplyPathTuples(tuple<int, int, int> a, tuple<int, int, int> b) {
  long long a0 = get<0>(a), a1 = get<1>(a), a2 = get<2>(a);
  return make_tuple((a0*get<0>(b)) % MOD_A, (a1*get<1>(b)) % MOD_B, (a2*get<2>(b)) % MOD_C);

vector<tuple<int, int, int>> countPaths(int s, 
                                        const vector<pair<long long, unordered_set<int>>> &distances,
                                        const vector<pair<long long, unordered_set<int>>> &children) {
  // assume only edges that make shortest paths are included
  int N = children.size();
  vector<tuple<int, int, int>> pathCounts(N, make_tuple(0, 0, 0)); // store as tuple, basically modular hash function
  pathCounts[s] = make_tuple(1, 1, 1);
  phillypham::priority_queue pq(N);
  pq.push(s, 0);
  while (!pq.empty()) {
    int currentVertex =; pq.pop();  
    for (int nextVertex : children[currentVertex].second) {
      pathCounts[nextVertex] = addPathTuples(pathCounts[currentVertex], pathCounts[nextVertex]);
      if (!pq.count(nextVertex)) {
        pq.push(nextVertex, distances[nextVertex].first);
  return pathCounts;

$x$, the number of paths to $t$ from $v$ can be computed in much the same way by reversing edges and starting at $t$.

Now, you might notice that instead of returning the number of paths, I return a vector of tuple<int, int, int>. This is because the number of paths is huge, exceeding what can fit in unsigned long long, which is $2^{64} - 1 = 18446744073709551615$. We don't actually care about the number of paths, though, just that the number of paths is equal to the total number of paths. Thus, we can hash the number of paths. I chose to hash the paths by modding it by three large prime numbers close to $10^9$. See the complete solution below.

Hashing and Chinese Remainder Theorem

At one level, doing this seems somewhat wrong. If there is a collision, I'll get the wrong answer, so I decided to do some analysis on the probability of a collision. It occured to me that hashing is actually just an equivalence relation, where two keys will belong to the same bucket if they are equivalent, so buckets are equivalence classes.

Now, I choose 3 large primes $p_1 = 1000000207$, $p_2 = 1000000007$, and $p_3 = 999999733$, each around $10^9$. We'll run into an error if we get two numbers $x$ and $y$ such that \begin{align*} x &\equiv y \bmod p_1 \\ x &\equiv y \bmod p_2 \\ x &\equiv y \bmod p_3 \end{align*} since $x$ and $y$ will have the same hash. Fix $y$. Let $N = p_1p_2p_3$, $y \equiv a_1 \bmod p_1$, $y \equiv a_2 \bmod p_2$, and $y \equiv a_3 \bmod p_3$. Then, by the Chinese Remainder Theorem, for $x$ to have the same hash, we must have $$ x \equiv a_1\left(\frac{N}{p_1}\right)^{-1}_{p_1}\frac{N}{p_1} + a_2\left(\frac{N}{p_2}\right)^{-1}_{p_2}\frac{N}{p_2} + a_3\left(\frac{N}{p_3}\right)^{-1}_{p_3}\frac{N}{p_3} \bmod N,$$ where $$\left(\frac{N}{p_i}\right)^{-1}_{p_i}$$ is the modular inverse with respect to $p_i$, which we can find by the extended Euclidean algorithm as mentioned here.

We'll have that \begin{align*} \left(\frac{N}{p_1}\right)^{-1}_{p_1} &\equiv 812837721 \bmod p_1 \\ \left(\frac{N}{p_2}\right)^{-1}_{p_2} &\equiv 57354015 \bmod p_2 \\ \left(\frac{N}{p_3}\right)^{-1}_{p_3} &\equiv 129808398 \bmod p_3, \end{align*} so if $a_1 = 10$, $a_2 = 20$, and $a_3 = 30$, then the smallest such $x$ that would be equivalent to $y$ is $x = 169708790167673569857984349$. In general, \begin{align*} x &= 169708790167673569857984349 + Nk \\ &= 169708790167673569857984349 + 999999946999944310999613117k, \end{align*} for some $k \in \mathbb{Z}$, which leaves us with only an approximately $10^{-27}$ chance of being wrong. Thus, for all intents and purposes, our algorithm will never be wrong.

Binary Heap Priority Queue

namespace phillypham {
  class priority_queue {
    int keysSize;
    vector<int> keys;
    vector<long long> values;
    unordered_map<int, int> keyToIdx;
    int parent(int idx) {
      return (idx + 1)/2 - 1;
    int left(int idx) {
      return 2*(idx+1) - 1;
    int right(int idx) {
      return 2*(idx+1);
    void heap_swap(int i, int j) {
      if (i != j) {
        keyToIdx[keys[j]] = i;
        keyToIdx[keys[i]] = j;
        swap(values[j], values[i]);
        swap(keys[j], keys[i]);
    void max_heapify(int idx) {
      int lIdx = left(idx);
      int rIdx = right(idx);
      int smallestIdx = idx;
      if (lIdx < keysSize && values[lIdx] < values[smallestIdx]) {
        smallestIdx = lIdx;
      if (rIdx < keysSize && values[rIdx] < values[smallestIdx]) {
        smallestIdx = rIdx;
      if (smallestIdx != idx) {
        heap_swap(smallestIdx, idx);

    void min_heapify(int idx)  {
      while (idx > 0 && values[parent(idx)] > values[idx]) {
        heap_swap(parent(idx), idx);
        idx = parent(idx);

    priority_queue(int N) {
      keysSize = 0;
      keys.clear(); keys.reserve(N);
      values.clear(); values.reserve(N);
      keyToIdx.clear(); keyToIdx.reserve(N);

    void push(int key, long long value) {
      // if (keyToIdx.count(key)) throw logic_error("key " + ::to_string(key) + " already exists");
      int idx = keysSize; ++keysSize;
      if (keysSize > keys.size()) {
      } else {
        keys[idx] = key;
        values[idx] = value;
      keyToIdx[key] = idx;

    void increase_key(int key, long long value) {
      // if (!keyToIdx.count(key)) throw logic_error("key " + ::to_string(key) + " does not exist");
      // if (values[keyToIdx[key]] > value) throw logic_error("value " + ::to_string(value) + " is not an increase");
      values[keyToIdx[key]] = value;

    void decrease_key(int key, long long value) {
      // if (!keyToIdx.count(key)) throw logic_error("key " + ::to_string(key) + " does not exist");
      // if (values[keyToIdx[key]] < value) throw logic_error("value " + ::to_string(value) + " is not a decrease");
      values[keyToIdx[key]] = value;

    void pop() {
      if (keysSize > 0) {
        heap_swap(0, --keysSize);
        if (keysSize > 0) max_heapify(0);
      } else {
        throw logic_error("priority queue is empty");

    int top() {
      if (keysSize > 0) {
        return keys.front();
      } else {
        throw logic_error("priority queue is empty");

    int size() {
      return keysSize;

    bool empty() {
      return keysSize == 0;

    int at(int key) {
      return values[];

    int count(int key) {
      return keyToIdx.count(key);

    string to_string() {
      ostringstream out;
      copy(keys.begin(), keys.begin() + keysSize, ostream_iterator<int>(out, " "));
      out << '\n';
      copy(values.begin(), values.begin() + keysSize, ostream_iterator<int>(out, " "));
      return out.str();


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL);
  int N, M, s, t; // number of nodes, edges, source, and target
  cin >> N >> M >> s >> t;
  --s; --t;                     // 0 indexing
  vector<tuple<int, int, int>> edges;
  vector<unordered_map<int, pair<int, int>>> edgeList(N);
  vector<unordered_map<int, pair<int, int>>> reverseEdgeList(N);
  for (int m = 0; m < M; ++m) { // read in edges
    int a, b, l;
    cin >> a >> b >> l;
    --a; --b;
    edges.emplace_back(a, b, l);
    if (!edgeList[a].count(b) || edgeList[a][b].first > l) {
      edgeList[a][b] = make_pair(l, 1);
      reverseEdgeList[b][a] = make_pair(l, 1);
    } else if (edgeList[a][b].first == l) {
  vector<pair<long long, unordered_set<int>>> distanceFromSource = computeShortestPath(s, edgeList);
  vector<pair<long long, unordered_set<int>>> distanceFromTarget = computeShortestPath(t, reverseEdgeList);
  vector<tuple<int, int, int>> pathCounts = countPaths(s, distanceFromSource, distanceFromTarget);
  vector<tuple<int, int, int>> backPathCounts = countPaths(t, distanceFromTarget, distanceFromSource);
  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) pathCounts[i] = multiplyPathTuples(pathCounts[i], backPathCounts[i]);

  long long shortestDistance = distanceFromSource[t].first;
  tuple<int, int, int> shortestPaths = pathCounts[s];
  for (tuple<int, int, int> edge : edges) {
    long long pathDistance = distanceFromSource[get<0>(edge)].first + get<2>(edge) + distanceFromTarget[get<1>(edge)].first;
    if (pathDistance == shortestDistance && // path is shortest
        pathCounts[get<0>(edge)] == shortestPaths && // every path goes through from node
        pathCounts[get<1>(edge)] == shortestPaths && // every path goes through to node
        distanceFromSource[get<1>(edge)].second.size() == 1 && // only paths come from the from node
        edgeList[get<0>(edge)][get<1>(edge)].second == 1) {
      cout << "YES" << '\n';
    } else if (pathDistance - get<2>(edge) + 1 < shortestDistance) {
      cout << "CAN" << ' ' << (pathDistance - shortestDistance) + 1 << '\n';
    } else {
      // which will happen if the city is unconnected since the edge won't be big enough to overcome the big distance
      cout << "NO" << '\n';
  cout << flush;
  return 0;