A couple of weeks ago, Michael Vo needed to cook for a Renewal College Fellowship (RCF) potluck, and I decided to help out a bit. Mike is mostly known for his famous chicken alfredo, so it was no surprise at all when his spaghetti and meatballs turned out to be the best spaghetti and meatballs ever according to my brother.
We based it off of the recipe Spaghetti and Drop Meatballs With Tomato Sauce. Now, there are a couple of modifications needed for this recipe. First to serve 4, you'll need at least 24 ounces of meat, not 12, and therefore, an extra egg. We also thought that it would be a good idea to use the scrapings from the bottom of the skillet and the oil from searing the meatballs and mix it into the sauce. Mike always goes big, and we ended up quadrupling the recipe and using 7 pounds of ground beef. Now, this massive quantity required special techniques to preserve the oil and scrapings at the bottom of the skillet. After every batch of meatballs, we needed to scrape the skillets and run the oil through a sieve.
Here is a picture of the second part, where we cooked the meatballs in the sauce.
The only complaint that some people had about the recipe was the mixing in of the cheese into the meatballs. It was a matter of opinion whether this tasted good or bad. I personally like it.
Anyway, if you ever find yourself in the deserts of West Philly, you should do yourself a favor a stop by the BAD house to get some of Michael Vo's Spaghetti and Meatballs for nourishment.
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