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A common problem in computer science is to find the maximum flow between two vertices in a flow network $G = (V,E,c)$, where $V$ is a set of vertices, $E$ is a set of edges, and $c : V \times V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is the capacity function. Each edge $(u,v) \in E$ has capacity $c(u,v).$ We'll have $c(u,v) = 0$ if $(u,v) \not\in E$.

To concretely visualize this problem, think of a network of pipes. We want to find how much water can flow from point a source $s \in V$ to a sink $t \in V$. Other analogous situations are how much cargo could we ship on a railroad network or how much data can flow between two servers. More surprisingly, the algorithm solves problems like finding the minimum cut and bipartite matching.

Formally, we we'll define a flow as a function $f : V \times V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ that satisfies the following properties:

  1. Capacity constraint: For all $u, v \in V$, we must have that $0 \leq f(u,v) \leq c(u,v).$ Note that this implies that $f(u,v) = 0$ if $(u,v) \not\in E$.
  2. Flow conservation: For all $u \in V - \{s,t\}$, we have that \begin{equation} \sum_{v \in V}f(v,u) = \sum_{v \in V}f(u, v), \label{eqn:flow_conservation_1} \end{equation} so the flow entering the vertex is equal to the flow leaving the vertex if the vertex is not a source or sink.

We can define total flow as the flow leaving the sink, which is \begin{equation} \left|f\right| = \sum_{v \in V}f(s, v) - \sum_{v \in V}f(v, s). \label{eqn:total_flow_1} \end{equation} The maximum flow is a flow, $f^*$ such that $\left|f^*\right| \geq \left|f\right|$, where $f$ is any other flow.

The Algorithm

I'm actually not sure what this algorithm is called. Some sources seem to call it the Ford Fulkerson algorithm. Others call it the Edmonds Karp algorithm. In any case, the version that I describe is different than the versions that Wikipedia describes. It can be found in Sedgewick's Algorithms or the USACO training pages.

Before introducing the algorithm, I introduce several concepts. First is the concept of a residual network, $G_f = (V,E,c,f)$, so it is a flow network associated with some specific flow $f$. Along with the residual network we have two related concepts, which is residual capacity, \begin{equation} c_f(u,v) = c(u,v) - f(u,v), \label{eqn:residual_capacity} \end{equation} and an augmenting path, which is path from $s$ to $t$ such that each edge along the path has nonzero residual capacity. The capacity of that path is the minimum residual capacity along the path.

A helpful way to reason about these paths is to add reverse edges and maintain a loop invariant. That is, for all $(u,v) \in E$, if $(v,u) \not\in E$, then we'll create it with capacity $0$. At every step, we'll ensure that $f(u,v) + f(v,u) = 0$. This breaks the rules a bit and gives us negative flow. If you find it discomforting, you can instead add $c(u,v) + c(v,u)$ to both sides and think of maintaining the invariant that $f(u,v) + f(v,u) = c(u,v) + c(v,u).$

Both ways of thinking about it are helpful. Some proofs require that flow be nonnegative. However, maintaining $f(u,v) + f(v,u) = 0$ is easier to code. It also handles the case that both $(u,v) \in E$ and $(v,u) \in E$ more elegantly. Otherwise, we need to intialize each edge with flow of the capacity of the other edge increase the capacity by the other's capacity. Some bookkeeping at termination would also have to be done. Both flows would be equivalent. From Equation \ref{eqn:residual_capacity}, even if flow is negative, the residual capacity will remain the same since we're just adding or subtracting $c(u,v)$ from both terms. Thus, in my code, I will assume that $f(u,v) + f(v,u) = 0,$ but in proofs, I will assume that $f(u,v) \geq 0$ for all $u,v \in V.$

The concept of these reverse edges confused me a lot at first, but during the course of the algorithm, we often want to remove flow along an edge and reassign that flow to another edge. These reverse edges and the loop invariant are a form of bookkeeping that allows us to increase flow in a monotonic way. It will become clearer after I detail the steps of the algorithm and walk through an example.


  • Initialization: This step is pretty simple. Define $f$ to simple be $f(u,v) = 0$ for all $u,v \in V.$ Clearly, this meets the definition of a flow. Also, if $(u,v) \in E$, but $(v,u) \not\in E,$ then add $(v,u)$ to $E.$ We will keep $c(v,u) = 0$, and set $f(v,u) = 0$. Thus, $f(u,v) + f(v,u) = 0.$

    In practice, it is better to create those reverse edges on demand only if we actually push flow along $(u,v) \in E$. We may also want to allocate memory since we'll be calling Dijkstra's algorithm, repeatedly, in the next step. If there are $N$ edges, we'd allocate three arrays of size $N$: (1) keeps track of the path, (2) keeps track of vertices that have been visited, and (3) a priority queue that keeps track of which path has max capacity.

  • Maintenance: This is definitely the most complicated step. We want to find augmenting paths to increase flow, while maintaining our loop invariant that $f(u,v) + f(v,u) = 0$ at all times.

    Recall Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path. We can also use it find the augmenting path of most capacity on the residual network. To do this, we replace the min priority queue with a max priority queue, so at every step we're taking the unvisited vertex that has the max flow to it. In the relaxation step, we update flows instead of updating distances. We terminate when the sink $t$ is on top of the priority queue. There can't be a better flow to $t$ because flow is monotonically decreasing along a path, so some vertex would have to have more flow than $t.$

    After find the augmenting path, which is a subgraph that happens to be a tree. Update flows along all the edges. Suppose we have found path $P$ with capacity $C_P$. Initialize a new flow $f^\prime = f.$ The new flows for all edges along the path is $$f^\prime(u,v) = f(u,v) + C_P.$$ By construction of our path, we will have that $f^\prime(u,v) \leq c(u,v)$ for all $u,v \in V$, so it is a proper flow except that some flows might be negative. As we discussed earlier, that is okay. Now to maintain our invariant, we update $$f^\prime(v,u) = f(v,u) - C_P.$$ Since $f(u,v) + f(v,u) = 0 \Rightarrow f^\prime(u,v) + f^\prime(v,u) = 0.$ This gives us a mechanism to take back flow and reassign it as we shall see later. Since $f(v,u) \leq c(v,u)$, $f^\prime(v,u) \leq c(v,u)$ since $C_P > 0.$

    In this way, the total value of flow is always increasing, for $\left|f^\prime\right| = \left|f\right| + C_P.$ Note that we calculate total flow without the edges that we added. Now, set $f = f^\prime.$

  • Termination: We terminate when no more augmenting paths can be found. Remove the edges that were added. In case that only $(u,v) \in E$, and $(v,u) \not\in E,$ we must have that $f(u,v) \geq 0$ since $f(u,v) = -f(v,u) \geq 0$ since $c(v,u) = 0$. Thus, removing the reverse edge make this a proper flow. If $(v,u) \in E$ just set $f(v,u) = 0.$ Return $f$. I usually return $f$ as a list of edges.

Here is the working code.

struct FlowEdge {
  int from, to, capacity, flow;
  FlowEdge(int from, int to, int capacity) : from(from), to(to), capacity(capacity), flow(0) {}

// accepts a list of of weighted edges, where adjacencyList[u].at(v) is capacity of edge, returns a list of of edges (u,v,capacity,flow)
vector<unordered_map<int, FlowEdge>> maxFlow(int source, int sink, const vector<unordered_map<int, int>> &adjacencyList) {  
  int N = adjacencyList.size();
  vector<unordered_map<int, FlowEdge>> flowEdges(N); // construct flow edges
  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    for (pair<int, int> edge : adjacencyList[i]) {
      flowEdges[i].emplace(edge.first, FlowEdge(i, edge.first, edge.second));
  int totalFlow = 0;
  // allocate memory for algorithm
  phillypham::priority_queue flow(N);
  vector<bool> visited(N, false);
  vector<int> parent(N, -1);
  do {                  
    flow.clear(); flow.push(source, INT_MAX);
    fill(visited.begin(), visited.end(), false);
    fill(parent.begin(), parent.end(), -1);     
    // start algo by declaring that paths exist at first
    while (!flow.empty() && != sink) { // continue while paths exist and we haven't reached sink
      // djikstra-like algorithm, instead of finding closest vertex, find vertex with max flow
      int maxVertex =;      
      int maxVertexFlow =; 
      // relax step: update flows of neighboring vertices
      visited[maxVertex] = true;
      for (pair<int, FlowEdge> entry : flowEdges[maxVertex]) {
        int potentialFlow = min(maxVertexFlow, entry.second.capacity - entry.second.flow);
        // if there's nonzero flow and we haven't been there before
        if (potentialFlow > 0 && !visited[entry.first] && !flow.count(entry.first)) { 
          flow.push(entry.first, potentialFlow);
          parent[entry.first] = maxVertex;
        } else if (flow.count(entry.first) && < potentialFlow) {
          flow.increase_key(entry.first, potentialFlow);
          parent[entry.first] = maxVertex;
    if (!flow.empty()) { // path was found, augment graph to create residual graph
      totalFlow +=;
      // use this path, so update flows
      for (int currentVertex = sink; currentVertex != source; currentVertex = parent[currentVertex]) {
        int parentVertex = parent[currentVertex];
        flowEdges[parentVertex].at(currentVertex).flow +=; // send flow along this path
        if (!flowEdges[currentVertex].count(parentVertex)) { // construct reverse edge
          /* Give it capacity 0 to mark it as a reverse edge, add forwardEdge.capacity to get actual.
           * So, capacity is same as parent, and on creation reverseEdge.flow == reverseEdge.capacity.
           * In this way, we start with the invariant that reverseEdge.flow + fowardEdge.flow == forwardEdge.capacity
          flowEdges[currentVertex].emplace(parentVertex, FlowEdge(currentVertex, parentVertex, 0));
        // maintain invariant that reverseEdge.flow + fowardEdge.flow == forwardEdge.capacity
        flowEdges[currentVertex].at(parentVertex).flow -=; // flow defaults to 0
  } while (!flow.empty()); // if there is path, flow should have sink in it
  // remove reverse edges and return edges with how much capacity was used in flow member
  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    unordered_map<int, FlowEdge>::iterator flowEdgeIt = flowEdges[i].begin();
    while (flowEdgeIt != flowEdges[i].end()) {
      if ((flowEdgeIt -> second).capacity == 0) {
        flowEdgeIt = flowEdges[i].erase(flowEdgeIt);
      } else {
  return flowEdges;

An implementation of my binary heap can be found below.


To see more clearly how this algorithm works consider this flow network.

Let our source be $s = 0$ and our sink be $t = 7$. Here's our first augmenting path colored in blue. The reverse edges that we added are colored red.

And here's the next augmenting path.

Now, look carefully at the violet edge in the next augmenting path. Here we push a flow of 5 along a reverse edge. Notice how the flow into vertex 5 is still 10 (5 from 1 and 5 from 2), which maintains a flow of 10 out to vertex 7, our sink, so total flow does not decrease. Originally, we had that $f(1,5) = 10$, which we changed to $f(1,5) = 5$. To maintain flow conservation, we now set $f(1,4) = 5$.

For our final augmenting path we push a flow of 3 onto the violet path again, so while we originally had that $f(1,5) = 10$ at one point, now $f(1,5) = 2$.

Thus, we end up with a total flow of 28.

Proof of Correctness

Intuitively, it make sense that when there's no further augmenting path, we have achieved maximum flow. The proof of this is not so easy. To prove this, we need to introduce more terminology. All this work is not in vain, however. Through the proof, we actually solve the minimum cut problem at the same time. Informally, the minimum cut can be thought of as the cheapest way to separate the source and sink. That is, we try to select the set of edges with minimum total weight such that their removal causes the source and sink to be disconnected.

Formally, we define a cut of a graph $G = (V,E)$ as a partition of $V = S \cup T$ such that $S \cap T = \emptyset$, the source is in $S$, and the sink is in $T$. The edges $\{(u,v) \in E : u \in S,v \in T\}$ are the cut-set. It's easy to see that removal of these edges would kill all flow from the source to the sink.

Denote the flow between two vertices by $f(u,v)$. Clearly if $(u,v) \not\in E$, $f(u,v) = 0$. Define net flow across a cut $(S,T)$ to be \begin{equation} f(S,T) = \sum_{u \in S}\sum_{v \in T}f(u,v) - \sum_{v\in T}\sum_{u \in S}f(v,u). \label{eqn:net_flow} \end{equation} Essentially, this is the flow out of $S$ minus the flow into $S$.

Let $s$ be our source. The total value of flow in Equation \ref{eqn:total_flow_1} can also be written \begin{equation} \left|f\right| = f\left(\{s\}, V - \{s\}\right) = \sum_{v \in V}f(s,v) - \sum_{v \in V}f(v, s), \label{eqn:total_flow} \end{equation} which can be thought of as the net flow of just the source. With these definitions, we prove our first interesting result.

For any cut $(S,T)$ and flow $f$, we have that $f(S,T) = \left|f\right|$.

First note that by Equation \ref{eqn:flow_conservation_1}, for any vertex that is not the source or sink, say $u$, we have that \begin{equation} 0 = f\left(\{u\}, V\right) = \sum_{v \in V}f(u, v) - \sum_{v \in V}f(v, u) \label{eqn:flow_conservation} \end{equation} by definition of flow since the flow going out of $u$ must be the same as the flow going into $u$.

Now by Equations \ref{eqn:total_flow} and \ref{eqn:flow_conservation}, we have that \begin{align} \left|f\right| &= \sum_{v \in V}f(s,v) - \sum_{v \in V}f(v, s) + \sum_{u \in S - \{s\}}0\nonumber\\ &= \sum_{v \in V}f(s,v) - \sum_{v \in V}f(v, s) + \sum_{u \in S - \{s\}}\left(\sum_{v \in V}f(u, v) - \sum_{v \in V}f(v, u)\right)\nonumber\\ &= \sum_{v \in V}f(s,v) + \sum_{u \in S - \{s\}}\sum_{v \in V}f(u, v) - \sum_{v \in V}f(v, s) - \sum_{v \in V}\sum_{u \in S - \{s\}}f(v, u)\nonumber\\ &= \sum_{u \in S}\sum_{v \in V}f(u, v) - \sum_{v \in V}\sum_{u \in S}f(v, u)\nonumber\\ &= \sum_{u \in S}\left(\sum_{v \in T}f(u, v) + \sum_{v \in S}f(u, v)\right) - \sum_{v \in T}\sum_{u \in S}f(v, u) - \sum_{v \in S}\sum_{u \in S}f(v, u)\nonumber\\ &= \sum_{u \in S}\sum_{v \in T}f(u, v) - \sum_{v \in T}\sum_{u \in S}f(v, u) = f(S,T), \label{eqn:cut_flow} \end{align} where the second-to-last line follows from the fact that $V = S \cup T$. The last line follows from the defintion of net flow in Equation \ref{eqn:net_flow}. $\square$

Now, let $E(S,T)$ be the cut-set of the cut $(S,T)$. We define the capacity of the $(S,T)$ by \begin{equation} c(S,T) = \sum_{(u,v) \in E(S,T)} c(u,v). \label{eqn:capacity} \end{equation}

If $(u,v) \not\in E,$ then we'll define $c(u,v) = 0.$ Recall that $f(u,v) \leq c(u,v)$ for all $u,v \in V.$ An application of these basic facts and the previous result give us our next result.

The total value of any flow $f$ is less than the capacity of any cut.

Let $(S,T)$ be any cut. Note that $f(u,v) \geq 0$ for any $u,v \in V.$ Then, we have \begin{align*} \left|f\right| &= f(S,T) = \sum_{u \in S}\sum_{v \in T}f(u,v) - \sum_{v\in T}\sum_{u \in S}f(v,u) \\ &\leq \sum_{u \in S}\sum_{v \in T}f(u,v) \\ &\leq \sum_{u \in S}\sum_{v \in T}c(u,v) = c(S,T).~\square \end{align*}

Finally, we have our main result.

Max-flow min-cut theorem

If $f$ is a flow in a flow network $G = (V,E,c)$ with source $s$ and sink $t$ then the following conditions are equivalent.

  1. $f$ is a maximum flow in $G$.
  2. The residual network $G_f$ contains no augmenting paths.
  3. $\left|f\right| = c(S,T)$ for some cut $(S,T)$ of $G$.
  • $1 \Rightarrow 2$: This is obvious. If there was an augmenting path we could increase the flow by pushing flow through that path.
  • $2 \Rightarrow 3$: This is the only hard part of the proof. Fortunately, the proof is constructive and tells us how compute the minimum cut.

    Define $S = \{v \in V : \text{there exists a path of positive capacity in $G_f$}\}.$ Trivially, $s \in S$, and $t \not\in S$, so if $T = V - S$, we have a cut $(S,T)$.

    Now, consider any $u \in S$ and $v \in T$. We need to show that $f(u,v) = c(u,v)$. If $(u,v) \not\in E$, this is trivial. On the other hand, suppose that $(u,v) \in E$, but $f(u,v) \lneq c(u,v)$ for a contradiction. Then, $c_f(u,v) > 0$, which implies that $v \in S$, which is a contradiction since $S \cap T = \emptyset$.

    Note that in the termination step of the algorithm, only one the edges $(u,v)$ or $(v,u)$ has positive flow if one of them has nonzero flow. We set the one with negative flow to 0. Since we have show that $f(u,v) = c(u,v),$ it's $f(v,u) = 0$. Thus, by Equation \ref{eqn:cut_flow}, we have that \begin{align} \left|f\right| = f(S,T) &= \sum_{u \in S}\sum_{v \in T}f(u,v) - \sum_{v\in T}\sum_{u \in S}f(v,u) \nonumber\\ &= \sum_{u \in S}\sum_{v \in T}c(u,v) - \sum_{v\in T}\sum_{u \in S}0 = c(S,T). \end{align}

  • $3 \Rightarrow 1$: Recall that the capacity of any cut $c(S,T) \geq \left|f\right|$ for any flow $f.$

    By hypothesis, we can choose some cut $(S,T)$ such that $\left|f\right| = c(S,T)$. c(S,T) is an upper bound for $\left|f\right|$, so there cannot exist a flow $f^\prime$ such that $\left|f\right| = c(S,T) \lneq \left|f^\prime\right|$. Thus, $f$ is a maximum flow in $G$.

Thus, we have shown that no augumenting paths in the residual network implies that we have a maximum flow. $\square$

This proof is constructive, so we can compute the cut $(S,T)$ by doing a breadth-first search starting from the sink $t$ on our residual network. It's clear that we end up with $S = \{0, 2, 3, 6\}$. Note that the residual network is not unique. If we consider the same flow network and choose our augmenting paths differently, we end up with another residual network with no augmenting paths.

Vertices in $S$ are colored in blue, so we actually end up with the same minimum cut. In general, the minimum cut is not unique, either. In this case to compute the minimum cut, we had to follow reverse edges, which have positive residual capacity when they have negative flow. Our cut-set is $\left\{(0,1), (2,5), (6,7)\right\}$.

Binary Heap

Here is the binary heap used in the algorithm above.

namespace phillypham {
  class priority_queue {
    int keysSize;
    vector<int> keys;
    vector<long long> values;
    unordered_map<int, int> keyToIdx;
    int parent(int idx) {
      return (idx + 1)/2 - 1;
    int left(int idx) {
      return 2*(idx+1) - 1;
    int right(int idx) {
      return 2*(idx+1);
    void heap_swap(int i, int j) {
      if (i != j) {
        keyToIdx[keys[j]] = i;
        keyToIdx[keys[i]] = j;
        swap(values[j], values[i]);
        swap(keys[j], keys[i]);

    void min_heapify(int idx) { // smaller value bubbles down
      int lIdx = left(idx);
      int rIdx = right(idx);
      int largestIdx = idx;
      if (lIdx < keysSize && values[lIdx] > values[largestIdx]) {
        largestIdx = lIdx;
      if (rIdx < keysSize && values[rIdx] > values[largestIdx]) {
        largestIdx = rIdx;
      if (largestIdx != idx) {
        heap_swap(largestIdx, idx);

    void max_heapify(int idx)  { // larger value bubbles up
      while (idx > 0 && values[parent(idx)] < values[idx]) {
        heap_swap(parent(idx), idx);
        idx = parent(idx);

    priority_queue(int N) {
      keysSize = 0;
      keys.clear(); keys.reserve(N);
      values.clear(); values.reserve(N);
      keyToIdx.clear(); keyToIdx.reserve(N);

    void push(int key, long long value) {
      // if (keyToIdx.count(key)) throw logic_error("key " + ::to_string(key) + " already exists");
      int idx = keysSize; ++keysSize;
      if (keysSize > keys.size()) {
      } else {
        keys[idx] = key;
        values[idx] = value;
      keyToIdx[key] = idx;
      max_heapify(idx); // make this value bubble up     

    void increase_key(int key, long long value) {
      // if (!keyToIdx.count(key)) throw logic_error("key " + ::to_string(key) + " does not exist");
      // if (values[keyToIdx[key]] > value) throw logic_error("value " + ::to_string(value) + " is not an increase");
      values[keyToIdx[key]] = value;

    void decrease_key(int key, long long value) {
      // if (!keyToIdx.count(key)) throw logic_error("key " + ::to_string(key) + " does not exist");
      // if (values[keyToIdx[key]] < value) throw logic_error("value " + ::to_string(value) + " is not a decrease");
      values[keyToIdx[key]] = value;

    void pop() {
      if (keysSize > 0) {
        heap_swap(0, --keysSize);
        if (keysSize > 0) max_heapify(0);
      } else {
        throw logic_error("priority queue is empty");

    int top() {
      if (keysSize > 0) {
        return keys.front();
      } else {
        throw logic_error("priority queue is empty");

    int size() {
      return keysSize;

    bool empty() {
      return keysSize == 0;

    void clear() {
      keysSize = 0;      

    int at(int key) {
      return values[];

    int count(int key) {
      return keyToIdx.count(key);

    string to_string() {
      ostringstream out;
      copy(keys.begin(), keys.begin() + keysSize, ostream_iterator<int>(out, " "));
      out << '\n';
      copy(values.begin(), values.begin() + keysSize, ostream_iterator<int>(out, " "));
      return out.str();

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